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Pro-Choice People: Babies Feel Excruciating Pain During Abortions
A medical expert confirms that babies feel EXCRUCIATING pain during abortions:

Do the pro-choice people still think it's harmless and just the "mother's choice," so it should be allowed?

Quote:Despite the peer-reviewed studies and research backing her claims, Dr. Condic is vilified by abortion activists for being “unscientific.” Leah Torres, a Salt Lake City abortionist best known for her inflammatory tweets told the Tribune, “She is willfully ignorant or not up-to-date,” this despite the fact that Dr. Condic is on the cutting-edge of research into prenatal neural development.

Dr. Condic explained to the Tribune, “The neural circuitry underlying the most basic response to pain is in place by eight weeks. It is entirely uncontested in the scientific and medical literature that a fetus experiences pain in some capacity from as early as eight weeks.” This information has been found through scientific study, not, as abortion activists falsely claim, through Pro-Life activists manipulating data. Eller called Condic’s work “a coercion of science to forward a political agenda,” but the error seems rather to be on the part of abortion activists who refuse to acknowledge scientific evidence that calls into question the ethics and legal status of elective abortion.

Dr. Condic clarified to the Tribune, “I’m not reporting bad science. I’m reporting an interpretation of science that’s open to discussion.” At the heart of Dr. Condic’s interpretation is the basic theory of human rights that demands that we err on the side of Life. In no other circumstance would people assume that a person can be ripped limb from limb while her heart is still beating simply because we cannot get a first-hand account of the type of pain she is experiencing.

There's more in the article, but that gets the main point out.

Why aren't we hearing more about this? Is it because the liberal media is afraid that this tears apart their narrative of "it's the woman's choice and no one gets hurt"?

EXCRUTIATING PAIN!!!!! Do the pro-choice people on here think that it's ok just because the baby will be dead soon anyways? Then what's the difference between torturing someone that we're just going to kill anyways?

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Pro-Choice People: Babies Feel Excruciating Pain During Abortions - BFritz21 - 12-18-2018, 09:44 PM

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