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Pro-Choice People: Babies Feel Excruciating Pain During Abortions
Want less abortions?

Have more liberal laws and increase education and availability of contraceptives to reduce the amount of unwanted pregnancies.

Abolish the bullshit of "abstinence-only" sexual education and have comprehensive sexual education for our young men and women in school to teach them how to make responsible decisions for their sexual and mental health as potentially sexually active young adults.

Have universal healthcare and fund programs and organizations that provide prenatal and postnatal care to low-income mothers and fathers, or hell, of any financial means.

Have stricter child support laws that don't allow dads to rack up tens of thousands of dollars in child support arrearages, and have child support payments start during pregnancy. know...limit access to all of the above while prohibiting abortions based on subjective personal views and turn a blind eye to the unsafe back alley abortions that won't show up on the stat sheets.

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RE: Pro-Choice People: Babies Feel Excruciating Pain During Abortions - CKwi88 - 12-20-2018, 06:33 PM

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