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Hard to argue with Brian on this..
If they were to subcontract this work out to the global marketplace they could have hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, of trained rules officials watching different angles of each play in real-time.  Some stadiums have kids shovel snow for $12 an hour and provide a free ticket.  How hard would it be to have fans of different teams try out for real-time rules monitoring positions(where only the best of the best are selected)?  How hard would it be to put micro-sensors in each football or to use advanced metrological technology to the end of eliminating the need for chain measurements, spot calls, and line judges for false starts/offsides penalties?  Maybe they could put accelerometers and pressure sensors in each helmet so as to quantify what an illegal helmet to helmet hit really is(hell, give the players a HUD so that they know if they're getting close to the threshold). The NFL is VERY fat and lazy, I get it...but does that really explain why their multi-billion dollar business in 2018 comes off like some random mom and pop joke franchise from 1963 when it comes to officiating?

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RE: Hard to argue with Brian on this.. - Bilbo Saggins - 12-21-2018, 06:11 AM

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