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When Technology is Used in a Horrifying Way
(12-28-2018, 07:41 PM)Au165 Wrote: Not really scary, many companies are doing this with the RFID badges they require their workers to wear. I know there are some schools that also do it with badges however putting it in the clothes ensures friends don’t bring your tag to school. “Hacking” is a buzzword but the reality is any system can be hacked but is it worth hacking. If the system contains simple attendance data then it really isn’t a big issue. To put it in perspective many schools have moved everything online including grading, records, testing which is far more of an issue than just attendance tracking.

We are having this backlash now because all of the data breaches that we worry about all data. A lot of data used to be available to people in a phone book, much of the data that gets breached is that data. When you get concerned is when it’s social security numbers or passwords and passwords is usually only an issue because people use the same password at target as they do their online banking.

-It is combined with facial recognition to make sure the right uniform matches up with the right face.
-It must have some kind of heartrate or something monitor in it, because it can tell when you're sleeping.
-It has real-time GPS so you are being tracked at all times from the second you put on your uniform to the second your take it off.
-It flags parents phones or sends out alerts if you deviate from your normal pattern.
-You stuck on the toilet? Bam, it thinks you're skipping class. Alarm.
-They keep track of what you purchase.

Meanwhile parents have access to your every move throughout the day on their phone.

If you don't think that's a terrifying future, then you and I are clearly very different people. Thanks for talking down to me about the "hacking" buzzword, but this is also a system where parents will load money onto their childrens accounts. You load say $25 for the week's lunches/drinks/snacks, 1,000 kids in a school, that's $25k. People have hacked for much less.

Phone books didn't have live tracking of where people are, money, co-op with facial recognition, heartrate monitors (or whatever they are using to check for sleeping).

If you think this is just attendance tracking, then you didn't read the article.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: When Technology is Used in a Horrifying Way - TheLeonardLeap - 12-28-2018, 09:44 PM

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