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When Technology is Used in a Horrifying Way
(12-28-2018, 11:24 PM)Au165 Wrote: Not sure if you know this but large retailers are already using facial recognition. They can match you to your social media as well as tell your mood just based on a shot of your face when you walk in the door. They can also track you throughout their store based on Bluetooth beacons that pull data from your bluetooth being in searching for devices to pair. In some cities they can actually track you moving through the city using the same technology. Because you willingly transmit the data it is currently considered public domain and open to be used.

Lunch money is already loaded on cards over the internet at every major school district in the country, there is literally nothing unique about that. This has been the way many schools have done lunch accounts for a decade. They follow standard online financial transaction standards. The transaction is between the parent and the credit card processor then the school is the vendor. That then gives them credits in the schools financial system that can’t be used outside the system.

Again “hacking” buzz word without really knowing what’s going on. That part is secure, the student data probably not as much but as I said it’s not really sensitive info. The facial recognition data is most likely hashed in an non human readable format anyways so nothing special there.

Except I don't. Others may. I refuse to buy a phone I can't take the battery out of. Mostly because I don't want to have to take it into a shop as part of troubleshooting (or being able to put in a new/fresh battery if I want), but also because why would you want to lose the ability to turn a hot mic off if you ever wanted to? Heck, they recently talked about Cohen's cell phone pinging being traced over in Europe even while it was turned off. If I turn off my phone, I want it off.

I guess I didn't go to a major school district. (Not surprising, some of my friends raised pigs/had farms.) We just paid in cash.

You're getting really condescending about the "hacking" buzz word. Not sure why you feel the need to put it in quotations and be a dick about it. All of the data of account balances and transactions needs to be held somewhere online because it needs to be able to be made readily available by lunch ladies and vending machines. Being online makes it vulnerable in a way hard currency does not. Granted most of my problem was just in the general live tracking of it all more so than the vulnerability.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: When Technology is Used in a Horrifying Way - TheLeonardLeap - 12-29-2018, 02:00 AM

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