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Lawmakers introduce constitutional amendment to impose term limits on Congress
Copied from a post I made against term limits in 2016

Quote:I am against limits, and here is why.

So when I look at what is wrong with Congress, I have to ask if term limits is an issue would term limits fix congress? The only conclusion I can come to is they would hurt it even more, and here's why: The legislative branch is easily our most complicated branch, and it was designed for day to day operations that run on long standing traditions and the maneuvering of legislators to get things done is dependent on existing coalitions, knowledge of obscure rules, and quid pro quo.

currently the problems I see are:
1) Gerrymandering has resulted in the most partisan candidates getting elected
2) The electorate are truly uneducated on their candidates

the seniority system in Congress is extremely important, especially for committees where most legislation is filtered. You jeopardize having truly knowledgable and experienced law makers if you limit how long they can stay in Congress. Most Congressman are lawyers or have law backgrounds and that will never change. They understand the law and the Constitution, they're who should be making laws
but they're not going to be experts in all fields, so having them stay on committees for long periods of time keep them knowledgable
it also means the support staff, which is crucial, remains, and good advisors stay on to advise them

Pass a gerrymandering amendment requiring all districts to go through a bi or non partisan committee that can be vetoed on the ballot by the people via referendum. you'll have more moderate candidates and districts won't inherently be bastions for their parties.
you then need to have some system of getting more information out to voters
whether that's a law mandating progress reports of sorts or online reporting to constituents, the people need to know what their candidate is doing. Congress is unpopular, but incumbents get reelected nearly 90% of the time because people believe their guy is doing a good job but everyone else sucks

it might also mean public financing to remove outside money. Groups from across the country will fight for or against candidates in hotly contested districts.

another proposal is recesses for the purposes of giving representatives time to go home and work in the community. Like office hours but for members of Congress

If the reason for term limits is to prevent Congressmen from getting too comfortable and just working for themselves, I'm going to suggest that the result will be inexperienced lawmakers who will be more focused on getting their cut than building long term coalitions since their time is limited
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RE: Lawmakers introduce constitutional amendment to impose term limits on Congress - BmorePat87 - 01-04-2019, 06:08 PM

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