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Everyone Against Building The Wall- Part 2
(12-26-2018, 08:47 PM)bfine32 Wrote: It's funny how we'll twist things to support our stances. Trump won the election, one of his promises was to build a wall, and even though the price has dropped from $25 Billion to $5 Billion the house still says no and some how that's a compromise. But the fact that Trump won't sign a bill that includes funding for the wall, he's not compromising. Hell you even poke fun of the fact that he's willing to compromise on the materials to reduce cost. 

First things first. Yes he won the election against Hillary, and right, no one could really complain about him wanting to build the wall like he said (who pays for it is something else). He didn't do so in two years, he didn't even come up with a sustainable plan in that time, the plan just changed every now and then. A solar wall. A see-through wall. A higher wall because some Mexican ex-president talks bad. While major aspects, say expropriations, were never even addressed. That is not convincing and no private investor would fund such a concept-less expense. That's what I make fun of.

Now democrats always were against a wall. This was painted as being for "open borders", as being MS-13 lovers, as attempt to broaden the democratic voter base, as all kinds of neferious things. Well - this was all up for election in your midterms, and republicans took a nosedive there. That this isn't the time to build a wall seems just logical.

Also, and I'm aware you said multiple times that this is not an issue and can be spun, Trump vowed that Mexico would pay for that thing. It was always stupid, for sure, but that's what a majority of his supporters believed. He will convince or extort Mexico somehow, it will be at their expense. If he made clear that the taxpayer has to give billions for it, things would have probably turned out quite differently. Yeah he can spin it, but folks don't voted for a spin, but for a wall paid by Mexico. One has every right to hold him to that word or else claim that burdening the taxpayer never was part of Trump's promise.

(12-26-2018, 08:47 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Your support for majority rule is admirable. Do you think that stance could ever change depending on what the majority wants.

Nah, has nothing to do with my stance. I always thought a wall was stupid and that would not change if 9 of 10 people wanted it. But if Republicans had won the midterms, I would see a majority wanting that damn thing and I would understand that. But right now, Trump is in the trenches for something a majority does not want, as indicated by every poll and by the midterm results. It doesn't make me a hypocrite to say so.
You, however, seem to point at majorities when it's about Trump's plans and how he has a mandate for them, but ignore majorities if they run contrary to said mandates. I'd say the people have spoken and they do not want a majority in the houses for Trump to implement his promised wall and whatnot.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Everyone Against Building The Wall- Part 2 - hollodero - 01-09-2019, 10:27 PM

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