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College Students And Liberals Are Hypocrites/Jokes
Democrats and Liberals claim to be the party that is openminded and accepting, yet time and time again they've proven that they're far from it and go with the flow and the groupthink of things.

Take this video, where a group called Campus Reform went around to college campuses and asked college students about quotes that were made by Trump about controlling illegal immigration.  The students condemned the comments and Trump, describing them as "described the statements as "divisive," "dehumanizing," "jingoistic," embedded with "racial biases," "rude" and generally discriminatory. "I just really think it's hateful speech in general," said one student."

The only problem with that is that they were made by the current Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, former President Barack Obama and the former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

It would be funny if it didn't speak to how stupid our country is becoming.  Liberals (Democrats) are supposed to be a party that's open minded and progressive, yet they believe everything that is fed to them, which is hilarious and very sad.

Here's some (most) parts of the article:

Quote:WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) — On college campuses, as with other parts of society, students have mostly made up their minds about President Donald Trump and according to a new video by the online watchdog group Campus Reform, those views have colored their opinions about border security policies once championed by top Democrats.

Cabot Phillips, the media director for, went to the American University campus in Washington D.C. during the partial government shutdown and fight over border wall funding, to get students' reactions to statements he said were made by President Trump.


Quote:Students described the statements as "divisive," "dehumanizing," "jingoistic," embedded with "racial biases," "rude" and generally discriminatory. "I just really think it's hateful speech in general," said one student.

The quotes highlighted the importance of building physical barriers on the border and stopping illegal immigration, but they were not from the president. They were made by the current Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, former President Barack Obama and the former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Students disliked the statement, "Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress." Sen. Schumer delivered those remarks to Georgetown Law students in 2009, during the bipartisan fight for comprehensive immigration reform that was ultimately rejected by House Republicans.


Quote:Students were also upset with the tone of a 2005 remark by then-Senator Barack Obama who said, "We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented and unchecked." Less than a year later, Obama and 25 other Senate Democrats voted for the Secure Fence Act, the 2006 legislation that authorized the construction of 700 miles of barriers along the southern border.

Phillips also read a statement Hillary Clinton made on the campaign trail in 2015, where she defended her numerous votes to "spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in." She underscored, "I do think you have to control your borders."
Some of the students laughed nervously when they learned the statements were made by Democrats. Others were at a loss for words. One student smiled and noted, "That's interesting."
President Trump took office with a signature campaign promise to build a wall, a proposal that has been denounced as wasteful, unnecessary and "medieval" by his critics. But over the past decade, Democrats have supported billions of dollars in funding for physical barriers and taken a hard line against illegal immigration.
In light of these changes in the party's approach to border security and the coverage of the issue, Phillips wanted to conduct an experiment. He told Sinclair Broadcast Group, "I wanted to go out and to see if people would view the quotes differently if they thought they came from President Trump."
They did. Students had a strong, negative reaction to the mention of the president's border security policy. "Because he's such a polarizing figure and because so many young people have been told he's their worst enemy, they're going to come out and oppose it no matter what it is," Phillips said.

There's more in the link, but it just goes to show you why the Democratic party is a joke and can't work.  They oppose things just to oppose things and make noise.  They have no base or foundation to stand on.

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College Students And Liberals Are Hypocrites/Jokes - BFritz21 - 01-15-2019, 12:10 AM

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