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College Students And Liberals Are Hypocrites/Jokes
(01-16-2019, 08:56 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: No, it's definitely not.

One is actively taking aggression against one and the other is just playing a reserved role and in defense.

See the difference?  

Not really. It's about stupidity, right? It's about the US playing the "the other side is stupider/loves America less/are hypocrites/are partisan/... game. Which is incredibly tiresome to watch.

So, see, some Republicans run around in "I'd rather be a Russian than a liberal" shirt. Others believe in a "Q" and that basically every non-conservative is in a pedophilia ring. Others go to Breitbart and advocate the civil war and the extinction of all liberals on their boards. I could use all these examples, give them a heaadline like "Conservatives are the worst humans on earth" and make these points. And I'd be you.

Stop being so hyperpartisan, such a team player against the other team no matter what. That doesn't take away from your affiliation, your stances or anything. But it would make things you say a tad more relevant.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: College Students And Liberals Are Hypocrites/Jokes - hollodero - 01-17-2019, 02:40 AM

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