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Left-Wing Media Is Ruining My High School
(01-21-2019, 03:23 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Not a crime, but it is rude and disrespectful when the person doing it is the only one in a crowd who did not step aside to let an elderly man pass.
Rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric.  

The man clearly wasn't so elderly that he couldn't walk around beating his drum and, if you watch the other videos of him, he seems like a pretty energetic guy.

What's rude and disrespectful is walking through a crowd of kids who are just minding their business and beating your drum just to cause a disturbance.
(01-21-2019, 03:58 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Except the kids were not "standing around"  First they were in a screaming match with a group of African Americans and then when the Native approached they were whooping and hollering which appeared to be mocking the playing of the drum.

The African Hebrews were the ones inciting all the commotion.  The chaperons with the school group failed miserably in letting that situation elevate.  The kids were just reacting the way any group of kids would to verbal attacks.

The native just walked up playing his drum.  The kids were agitated and when the Africans seemed to indicate that the Native was on their side the kids became unruly.  The video just showed the worst part where the native was surrounded by school kids whooping and yelling.  It looked bad and was made worse by a description claiming that the kids just surrounded the peaceful native.
You're making things up again!  STOP!  They were not shouting at the African Americans!  The African Americans were shouting at them!
(01-21-2019, 04:17 PM)fredtoast Wrote: So you have repeated ten times that the Native could have walked around the boy, but you have yet to address why the boy did not just step aside.

Like I said, would it be alright for someone to poop on your front porch as long as you could step over it?

"OMG! The poop was only 2 inches high.  No human on earth could step over that!"
Because the NA was clearly causing a disruption by even going into the crowd to beat his drum and the boy was trying to diffuse the situation!  

They just wanted to leave, which, if you watch more videos, when the buses finally pull up, they immediately leave and start chanting "let's go home!"
(01-21-2019, 05:29 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Who doesn't move aside when approached by an elderly person working his way through a crowd?

The boy admitted that EVERYONE ELSE moved aside for the old man, so why didn't he?  You all act like what the boy did was normal when even he admits that everyone else there did something different.

If you watched more videos and got more information on the event, which I'm currently 1000% positive you did not, then you'd see that another NA was harshly speaking to another student nearby and telling him that white people stole their land and all sorts of other insults, and the student is laughing in his responses, but not being hostile.  The original boy, that everyone is condemning and saying started this just to hate, is doing the cut it sign at his that (telling him to be quiet), even though the boy was just laughing and responding to the NA's false bashing!

So, the original boy was just trying to diffuse the situation, as he has stated, and then is also trying to silence another student, who's not even doing anything wrong, just because he doesn't want the situation to escalate even more, but how's he in the wrong?

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RE: Left-Wing Media Is Ruining My High School - BFritz21 - 01-21-2019, 05:56 PM

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