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Pelosi, Schumer To Trump: "Let's Debate Border Funds in Private"
Schumer keeps hoping they learned...but they don't seem to.

Quote:BOB SCHIEFFER: And joining us now for some reaction to the Republican side of things, or at least the Tea Party side of things, New York Democrat, Chuck Schumer.  I'll just give you the chance to respond.  What did you think of what Senator Cruz had to say?

SEN. CHARLES SCHUMER: Well, a lot of it's sort of Alice in Wonderland.  He says the President's policies haven't worked, but he hasn't let them go into effect.  He's blocked just about every one.  And I would say this, I have good news on the debt ceiling.  I do not believe that Republican leaders will follow Ted Cruz over the cliff once again.

I believe we will pass a clean debt ceiling that makes sense.  We don't want to risk the full faith and credit.  We can debate all these other issues at a different time and place.  But I think they learned their lesson with the government shutdown.  Not only did Tea Party ratings plummet, but so did Republican party ratings.  And I think there's a new way of thinking in the Senate and the House among Republicans, so that we can get more done in 2014 than we did in 2013.

They are not just going to mindlessly follow Ted Cruz and the Republicans over the cliff into this hard line position, "Unless we get our way, we're going to hurt innocent people," whether it be by shutting down the government, or by not renewing the full faith and credit of the United States.

The outrage! Sarcasm

And his full context...this year.

Quote:We expect the continuing resolution to clear the House and clear the House this afternoon and be signed by the president today.

Hopefully, it means a lesson has been learned–shutting down the government over a policy difference is self-defeating,” said Schumer.


The American people do not like it when you throw a wrench into the lives of government workers over an unrelated political dispute.

Working people throughout American empathized with the Federal workers and were aghast what the President was doing to them.

Hopefully now the president has learned his lesson.

Now, once the president signs the continuing resolution, we in Congress will roll up our sleeves and try to find some agreement on border security.

[Charles Ellis Schumer:] Source:

We don’t agree on some of the specifics of border security – Democrats are firmly against The Wall.

But we agree on many things, such as the need for drug inspection technology, humanitarian aid, strengthening security at our ports of entry, and that bodes well for finding an eventual agreement, the fact that we have so many areas where we can agree.

But today, the President will sign the bill to reopen the government along the outlines of what we have proposed. And hopefully, it means a lesson learned for the White House and for many of our Republican colleagues.

Shutting down the government over a policy difference is self-defeating. It accomplishes nothing but pain and suffering for the country – and incurs an enormous political cost to the party shutting it down.

We cannot – cannot – ever hold American workers hostage again. Speaker Pelosi.

Damn him!  Explain what the lesson is in his eyes and hoping the people who finally agreed to the CR learned from the experience!!   Sarcasm

What is this world coming to when someone is hoping that someone else is now better informed to make better choices in the future!  Sarcasm
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Pelosi, Schumer To Trump: "Let's Debate Border Funds in Private" - GMDino - 01-30-2019, 11:29 AM

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