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Raiders Refuse To Put Gold Markings On Their Field
(09-23-2015, 12:08 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: im guessing the baseball team told them no  lol

Quote:“The Raiders have asked us not to do that,” AEG Facilities VP and O.Co Coliseum G.M. Chris Wright told Don Muret of SportsBusiness Daily.

“It has nothing to do with baseball,” Wright said. “The last six home baseball games are through this weekend, and there will be no gold marks for the rest of the Raiders’ regular season.”

While no reason has been provided the refusal to comply, Occam’s Razer suggests that the Raiders don’t want to acknowledge a Super Bowl that will be played down the road in Santa Clara, home of the 49ers. At one level, that’s because the two teams don’t get along. At another level, it’s because the 49ers had no interest in sharing their swanky new stadium with the Raiders.

At yet another level, it’s possibly a great big eff you to a league that arguably isn’t doing all that much to help the Raiders find a solution to its longstanding stadium woes.
The training, nutrition, medicine, fitness, playbooks and rules evolve. The athlete does not.

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RE: Raiders Refuse To Put Gold Markings On Their Field - Shake n Blake - 09-23-2015, 02:15 PM

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