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A self-proclaimed white nationalist planned a mass terrorist attack
(02-21-2019, 12:33 PM)GMDino Wrote: There is no such thing.

Living in CA as I do, I'm going to have to wholeheartedly disagree with you on this one.  In fact some Dem politicians have said migration is an inherent right for those living south of the US.

Quote:Nor is a waste of billions of dollars on a wall that no one seriously believes will do much of anything any comfort to any who is  mugged, burglarized or assaulted by anyone.

*IF* the POTUS and his ilk presented the wall in a way that made sense he have more support.  But he plays on fear.  Rapists, drug dealers, murderers, kidnappers, etc.

He is the one saying it will stop the crime.
It will stop crime, as border fences already in place have shown.  It won't do anything like eliminate it, but a solid border wall will assist the Border Patrol in doing their job.  You won't get an argument from me about Trump being a demagogue.

Quote:Agreed.  And if the system of allowing them to seek asylum had even just been left alone we could be working on real solutions for the people coming here.  (Sadly there is an entire wing of the GOP that wants to just stop them all...and that isn't helping.)  My belief is the answer is somewhere between "open borders" and "giant wall".  But DJT has a campaign promise to fulfill to Ann Coulter, Rush and a bunch of people who really believe what he says, so here we are.

We've all had this discussion before.  Neither side really wants to fix this problem.  The GOP likes the cheap labor for their business interests and the Dems like the expansion of their voter base.

Quote:So my comment about "we need a wall" in the OP was a jab at those who really believe that the wall will stop crime versus the reality that these crimes are usually done by citizens.  Not just that immigrants commit crimes and a lower rate per capita but that the argument that keeping them out is a way to keep people safe is ridiculous.

It will stop crime, it won't eliminate it.  Prophylactic solutions are difficult to quantify, seeing as you can't prove a negative.  It is self evident that making it more difficult to sneak into the country will make it more difficult to smuggle anything into the country.  Again, it won't do anything like eliminate this type of crime, but it will prevent some of it.  Whether the amount it will stop is worth the expense is where the argument gets political.  

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RE: A self-proclaimed white nationalist planned a mass terrorist attack - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 02-21-2019, 12:54 PM

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