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Progressive media trying to normalize pedophilia
(09-24-2015, 01:19 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: 1. Yes he is free to do as he wishes and his neogjbors are also free to do as they wish and whether to socialize anywhere near him.   I would most certainly want to know of this guy was in my neighborhood.  

2. Are parents and adults not supposed to protect children?  This is basic Mother Nature laws here.   It's instinct to protect the ones who can't defend themsleves from predators .   This guy acknowledging he has the hots for 7 year olds puts everyone around him on notice when kids are around.   Is he a threat to adults?  No.   He admits he prefers the ones who can't fight back and are easily manipulated.  

You may be ok with him as your neighbor.  Can't remember if you have kids or not but if you do then that's your choice to put them that close to the wolfs den.   I don't know any parent who would take that chance.   Obviously there are some here who would I guess.

I think you're missing an obvious point here. Listen, I think people that are attracted to children are just as ****** up as you do, especially since I have children of my own. That's not the point though, and people keep trying to explain that.

The issue is, it really doesn't make sense that they're a ticking time bomb whatsoever. I'm not sure why your mind is automatically jumping to sexual assault when you hear that somebody is attracted to someone/something that you (and I as well) deem "not normal".

Most people in my neighborhood are attracted to white women. I prefer black women. That could be extremely common knowledge, yet I highly doubt any black families are going to stop themselves from moving in down the street in fear of me tackling them in their driveway to sexually assault them. I'm not a rapist, I have a total of zero felonies on my record, and I've done nothing to suggest that I would rape a black woman outside of it being known that I'm attracted to black women (which obviously doesn't suggest that at all). I could completely understand people freaking out if I ran down the street screaming "I'VE NEVER SEEN A BLACK WOMAN THAT I HAVEN'T WANTED TO RAPE, MMMMMMMM YEAH WHERE YA AT LADIES?!?". As it stands, just the fact that you're attracted to someone or something doesn't mean that you're going to break law to assault them.

I do understand where you're coming from in a sense (feels weird saying that), but you're completely missing the entire point of this. I know, I know, kids can't defend themselves and whatnot, but it doesn't change the fact that these people with the "sick" thoughts in their head aren't just running around trying to bang your kids or anyone elses for that matter.

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RE: Progressive media trying to normalize pedophilia - djs7685 - 09-24-2015, 01:59 PM

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