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Ireland becomes first country to legalize gay marriage via pop vote
(05-26-2015, 03:29 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: 1. I don't know what you mean by making everything a community thing.
2. Same sex marriage isn't legal or recognized in all 50 states so "they" can't get married anywhere thy like.
3. Traditional marriage?  Traditional by what standard?
4. Are you implying the only reason to marry is to procreate?  You don't need to be married to procreate. Do you only show up to have sex and then you leave because that is the "sole" purpose of marriage?
5. If a gay couple marries how does that infringe upon your civil rights?
6. Other cultures and religions have marriages so Christianity doesn't have a monopoly on the idea. Name one reason other than religion why you should decide who can't marry each other. Again, last time I checked this was the Land of the Free and denying others equal treatment under the law is un-American.
7. The only people who oppose same sex marriages, that I'm aware of, are conservative Christians based upon their religious views. In essence they are trying to legislate their religious beliefs upon others. Then they complain they are being persecuted for their religious beliefs when they aren't allowed to persecute gays based upon their religious beliefs. They complain about freedom of religion, but only if it applies to their religion  They don't even see the irony.

I am just gonna address the last one. My other posts can sort the rest.

It's not a religious opposition it's a gov marriage opposition. Just get the gov out of marriage then they can gay marry all they want. Call it whatever they wish.

Ofc my religion says this is wrong... But that's not my opposition. If you wanna gay marry and go to hell then that's on you. We are all responsible for our own salvation.

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RE: Ireland becomes first country to legalize gay marriage via pop vote - StLucieBengal - 05-26-2015, 03:55 PM

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