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Pennsylvania Church Will Bless Assault Rifles In Preparation For Christ’s Return

Quote:Who Would Jesus Shoot?  A gun-loving Pennsylvania church will bless assault rifles in anticipation of Christ’s return.

A church in northeastern Pennsylvania is inviting the faithful to bring their assault weapons,  including AR-15-style rifles, to a blessing ceremony planned for next week.

The Independent reports:
Quote:Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania, is asking couples – specifically, heterosexual couples – to bring what it calls the modern-day “rods of iron” or a similar weapon to the event.
The church is expecting hundreds of people to arrive at its church in Newfoundland on 28 February.

Fox News reports:
Quote:At 10 a.m. next Wednesday, church leaders expect up to 600 people for a blessing ceremony, and many of those people are expected to be armed with AR-15s, the gun used in recent mass shootings across the country.

ABC reports the church website directs couples to show up to the ceremony with an AR-15 “or equivalents such as an AK semiautomatic rifle, representing both the intent and the ability to defend one’s family, community … “
Sanctuary Church official Tim Elder explained:

This will be a big thing for us. It’s a new stage for us because it incorporates the rod of iron, as it is in Revelations. Revelations talks about the returning Christ ruling with the rod of iron.

Elder added:
Quote:This rod of iron is the AR-15, in today’s terms.

Elder’s reference to a “rod of iron” has its source in Revelation 2:27.
Quote:And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.

Bottom line: Gun-loving Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania, will bless assault rifles next week in anticipation of Christ’s return.

And so it goes.

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Pennsylvania Church Will Bless Assault Rifles In Preparation For Christ’s Return - GMDino - 02-27-2019, 06:15 PM

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