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Trump & GOP promised economic growth much better than Obama.That's not what happened
(02-28-2019, 09:25 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Today:
Unemployment for Blacks/Hispanics/Asians/Women is at an all time record low,

Trump First 21 Months/Obama's last 21 months

GDP:  2.9%/1.5% Doubled
New Jobs avg per month: 75,000/900... No comment needed
Number of Employed Americans per month: 214,000/157,000 36% improvement
Weekly earnings increased on avg per month: $2.31/$1.31  76% improvement

Yes Fred, I must have gotten this info from a Right-Wing source, considering my number matched what Dino posted.
Is that your auto default mode when someone shows you something good that DJT does?

Sorry, but my problem with those numbers was in the way they were labeled.  For example over Obamas last two years there were over 5 million jobs added.  I don't see how that would be possible with just 900 "job openings" per month.  So there actually were some "comments needed"

Also the "number of employed Americans" is in the millions.

The "weekly earnings" numbers are very deceiving because you are talking about an increase of one-tenth of one percent in weekly wages (76% of 0.14%)

Those numbers were "spun" out by Andrew Puzder, a very biased source who Trump nominated for Secretary of Labor.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trump & GOP promised economic growth much better than Obama.That's not what ha... - fredtoast - 03-01-2019, 01:05 PM

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