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Progressive parents fight integration in their children’s public schools.
(09-24-2015, 09:24 PM)Benton Wrote: Two things made me chuckle.

First. There's no citing. A story with no citing, with no actual human element is just an opinion. And opinions are like kittens.

Second. Southern democrats... the modern conservative party... opposed integration. Not those you mislabel as progressives.

So woodrow wilson supporting the KKK and not allowing any blacks in the White House was pro integration?

The GOP has been pro integration for quite some time.

Lol @ southern democrats. Democrats blocked all civil righs legislation for decades. Which always had almost 100% GOP support btw. And almost always 0% dem support. So was the Democrat party only in the south? If there were true "southern democrats" like you claim then civil rights legislation would have easily passed before even with a small faction of democrat support. The only reason LBJ signed the bill was because the GOP had veto proof margins and as he caved. But his famous line "I'll have those n****** voting democrat for 200 years"

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RE: Progressive parents fight integration in their children’s public schools. - StLucieBengal - 09-25-2015, 07:57 AM

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