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If Liberals Won’t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will
(03-11-2019, 01:30 PM)Benton Wrote: Interesting, although I don't think it really delves into a whole lot that isn't already known. Maybe not admitted (like the parts where Democrats tend to favor immigration control over open borders or that immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than locals), but known.

The whole alt-right "we've got to end all immigration now" is a goofy ideal like "we've got to end all pollution now". Find what's causing it, try to get it under control and move on.

I have really NOT heard that, I have heard end all Illegal immigration, with I am for.

I am perfectly fine with immigrants that come here legally and stay legally.


He brought up some points I have said before as well.
He does contradict himself here:
"Generally, immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than native-born Americans do." Yes because of fear of Deportation.

"They cannot vote. They cannot qualify as jurors. If they commit a crime, they are subject not only to prison but to deportation. And because these noncitizens are keenly aware of those things, they adjust their behavior. They keep a low profile. They do not complain to the authorities if, say, their boss cheats them out of some of their pay, or if they’ve been attacked on the street, or if they are abused by a parent or partner at home."

Crimes committed that go unreported, thus the immigrants commit crimes at lower rates is a arbitrary statement because we do not know the actual amount.

"Immigrants are lowering America’s average skill level."
Which has also been a complaint of mine. We don't need more high school drop outs, we have enough already. We need educated immigrants. Who can contribute to make America better. Factory jobs are not as prevalent as they used to be. You need skills now.

"Central American asylum seekers say they are fleeing crime in their home countries. Yet asylum-seeking has surged even as crime in Central America has subsided. El Salvador’s homicide rate has dropped by half since 2015; Honduras’s has plunged by 75 percent since 2013."
It doesn't matter if we give aid and make their lives better to Central America countries, but they still want to come to the US where life is better. 

And also he talks about how wages for Americans are driven down because of illegal immigration.
"immigration contributes very little to making native-born Americans richer than they would otherwise."

"The gains from immigration are divided very unequally. Immigrants reap most of them. Wealthy Americans claim much of the rest, in the form of the lower prices they pay for immigrant-produced services. Low-income Americans receive comparatively little benefit, and may well be made worse off, depending on who’s counting and what method they use."

So plenty of talking points here and that I have brought up before in the past.

From the political perspective. Yep, we can only absorb so many immigrants before the services for all gets diminished and discord happens. If it's not addressed properly, then it will stay and get more hard core. Once it's addressed properly, the political pendulum will swing back to center and it will not be an issue for a while.

I don't understand why people can't use a little common sense on issues.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: If Liberals Won’t Enforce Borders, Fascists Will - Mike M (the other one) - 03-13-2019, 06:07 PM

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