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White Supremecists Slay 49 in NZ Mosques
(03-18-2019, 05:22 PM)Matt_Crimson Wrote: The idea of white supremacy being "on the rise" is laughable in comparison to the continuous flow and rise of Islamic extremism. If you look at the KKK alone it's nowhere near what it used to be. Its membership numbers are currently reported to be around 12,000 members when in the past they had around 4 million members at the early days of their organization and around 6 million at their peak. Yet even at these high numbers they weren't able to keep themselves afloat and remain as a serious threat to American Democracy. But the media somehow wants people to believe that white supremacy is this monstrous problem in the present day even when whites are increasingly becoming a minority?
The National Socialist Movement is considered the largest Neo-Nazi group in the United States and only consists of an estimated 400 members. Add that to the 12,000 KKK members that currently exists and you still don't even come close to filling just a third of the Bengals stadium. The truth is, this media narrative that "White supremacy is on the rise" is a deliberate attempt to stoke fear among the general population and ignore the fact that the time for white supremacy is over and that Islamic extremism is replacing it as the prominent problem in the world.
So then, why are we even spending time to compare them? I know why. Because the media is all about building a narrative and having people believe the garbage they’re putting out. 
Fear white supremacy! Fear the white man! Trump’s America is gonna kill us all! 
A more accurate headline would be "White supremacy is fluctuating, but overall it is declining"What we're seeing with white supremacy right now isn't some significant rise that is going to threaten American democracy, or even the world at large. What we are really seeing with white supremacy today are its last ditch efforts to prevent the extinction of white identity that is being threatened by the overwhelming push of cultural diversity and moralistic values.

Part II.  "White supremacy is fluctuating, but overall it is declining" is not a more accurate headline. What is your source for such a claim? Certainly not the FBI nor Rand nor the U. of Maryland or any of the reputable databases tracking terrorism.

Further regarding sources, I want to address your constructing a monolith called "the media," and then endowing it with an intent to "stoke fear."

The US media are not monolithic and include organizations as different as Fox and the NYT, not to mention foreign English language sources commonly accessed in the U.S. like The Economist and The Guardian. Also, there is a large difference in quality--some adhering strongly to journalistic standards, others tending to sensationalism. Further, few news organizations have an "intent" in the sense in which you use the term, which is more applicable to state media. Certainly neither Breitbart nor Fox, examples of right wing media, could have the intent you impute to the media in general.

Then there is the question of why a monolithic media would want to "stoke fear" about right wing terrorism. They are doing their job when they report it, and currently that means noting it is on the rise. I cannot think of a singe media source that wants me to believe white supremacists are a threat to the "world at large" in some immediate sense. Who really says "Fear the white man. Trump's America is gonna kill us all"?  This is reminiscent of the exaggeration people like Rush and Hannity impute to "leftists" whenever Trump is criticized by the MSM for his inability to condemn right wing violence as right wing violence--the guy who insisted on using the term "Islamic terrorism" in contrast to Obama.  

Finally, is it not possible that your perception of Islamism as a greater threat TODAY in the US is itself owing to media framing?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: White Supremecists Slay 49 in NZ Mosques - Dill - 03-18-2019, 08:36 PM

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