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ESPN - Troy Blackburn comments on Bobby Hart signing
WOW! He sounds like an ass. Why didn't he just say, look we signed Hart and we know he's not a fan favorite or an elite player but we will continue to find that guy. If we feel he's a draft prospect we will do whatever it takes to get him. Same goes for FA's or teams willing to trade. We will continue to get better not only at OT but every position.

What's he's saying is screw you, FA's are FA's cause their over priced players (most are) their own teams don't want. As for the comment about the draft??? Lord I hope it's just a smoke screen cause if this front office thinks their fine with what they have on the line now we're screwed. They have to take an OT in round 1 or 2 cause Hart is garbage. Hell we really need Oline with the first 2 picks. But then again we see how that turned out last time. Screw it, we will f up the draft anyway.

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RE: ESPN - Troy Blackburn comments on Bobby Hart signing - TKUHL - 03-28-2019, 09:46 PM

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