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Think Katie is calling the shots?
I believe that the Bengals prefer to give the illusion that decisions are made by multiple people.  That way, when the fans start to complain, the blame cannot be specifically pinned on any one person.  The Bobby Hart signing stunk to high heaven of Mike Brown.  Of course, when Troy was questioned, he became defensive as if he had to defend the decision where he never the word "I" anywhere.  More than likely he's defending yet another blunder by Mike Brown, which I believe is expected by the man himself.

Notice how Mike Brown never comes out and says, "I give the green/red light on all player personnel decisions."?  
Why?  He has to know he has bungled his way through the last 27 years, never giving us a winner, but he just can't let go.  So he creates an air of confusion when its time to place blame.  The man is 83 years old.  He hasn't given any indication he's getting too old and/or giving up.  If Katie and Troy don't hire a GM after the old man dies, they truly have learned nothing from their time sitting on the sidelines.

There should be some sort of accountability. Creating a perception of decisions being made by a 5 headed monster is much like spraying Febreeze in a room full of dogshit, while not punishing the offender when one of them craps on the floor.

Just wait until the draft.  We will all see once again.  
Maybe Merv will get him on the horn to guide him through the darkness?  
"Our offensive line is going to surprise a lot of people" - Mike Brown (7-26-21)

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RE: Think Katie is calling the shots? - 2MinutesHate - 03-31-2019, 08:53 AM

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