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So much for "it's a manufactured crisis"..
(04-02-2019, 03:01 PM)fredtoast Wrote: We created a lot of those conditions.  Perhaps you are not aware of how the United States has controlled politics across Central and South America for decades.  We would back the most ruthless bloodthirsty dictator as long as he supported US business interests.

Argentina...U.S. backed coup in 1976 threw out democratically elected President Peron and supported military dictatorship of General Videla.

Brazil....U.S. backed coup in 1964 threw out President Goulart.

Chile....U.S. backed coup in 1973 threw out democratically elected President Allende and replaced him with military dictator Agusto Pinochet.

El Salvador...U.S. backed oppressive leaders all through the '70's and 80's.  We apparently had no problem with government death squads and the worst human rights violations in the western hemisphere as long as they kept socialist out of office.

Guatemala...U.S. backed coup in in 1954 threw out democratically elected President Jacobo Arbenz.  In 1980's President Reagan meets with and supports dictator Efrain Mont who was later convicted of crimes against humanity including genocide.

Nicaragua....Reagan administration violates arms sale embargo against Iran and uses proceeds of illegal gun sales to support Contra rebels trying to overthrow the democratically elected Sandinistas government.

Paraguay...U.S. supports brutal dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner for 35 years ('54-'89)

So while the U.S. has always looked down their noses at "imperialists", the fact is that for many years we acted like we owned South and Central America.  They were poor countries so we could easily influence their politics.  And we did not give a shit about human rights as long as our business interests down there were taken care of.

That list isn't even near exhaustive either. You could easily throw Uruguay, Venezuela, Peru and Cuba on that list as well.

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RE: So much for "it's a manufactured crisis".. - CKwi88 - 04-02-2019, 03:42 PM

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