Poll: (Read post before voting) How big would the popular vote gap have to be for you to call for the EC's abolishment?
I want to abolish it no matter what
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I will always support the EC
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How big of a vote gap would it take for you to drop the Electoral College?
I think the EC is outdated and not useful.

It basically makes the votes of people in highly populated area worth exponentially less than those of people in lightly populated areas.

On both sides.

If you're a democrat in California, your vote basically doesn't matter, because the state is declared democratic before they even start counting votes.

If you're a republican in California, your vote basically doesn't matter, because the state is declared democratic before they even start counting votes.

You could say very similar things in the majority of the south and middle of the country in favor of the Republicans.

In addition to that, it basically reduces "important votes" down to...like 10 states at most. Particularly, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

Why continue to have a system that literally devalues millions of people's votes every time the Presidential election comes around?

Eliminating it will also diversify the way politicians campaign, which I think is a good thing.

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RE: How big of a vote gap would it take for you to drop the Electoral College? - CJD - 04-02-2019, 09:46 PM

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