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Trump backing down...on everything
Anyone remember when he said, a week or two before the 2018 midterm elections, that he was preparing a tax cut for middle income families that will go in right before the midterms (despite the fact that Congress was on recess until after the election) but then he said it would be voted on directly after the midterm election.

And then the Republicans lost the house.

And then we never heard about that tax cut ever again, as far as I know.

This is just something Trump does. He promises things he has no intention of following through on with the hope that it influences people to do what he wants in the short term. They don't have a plan for health care.

They had complete control of the Congress for the first two years of his presidency and couldn't come up with anything other than the skinny repeal which was essentially a band aid that would likely end up costing more money and more people to lose their insurance.

If they had something new that could get through Congress, they'd propose it now. This is just a delaying tactic. A cliffhanger style approach to getting votes. It's basically political click bait. "If you want health care, re-elect me and see what I have in store!"

It didn't work in 2018 and I don't think it'll work in 2020 either.

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RE: Trump backing down...on everything - CJD - 04-03-2019, 09:58 AM

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