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Trump: the noise from windmills causes cancer
(04-04-2019, 02:15 AM)hollodero Wrote: I'd say it's a Trump typical example of thought- and mindless hyperbole that is totally irresponsible for an US president to use publicly.

Also - no matter any "you tell me" or "someone said" addendums - it's really something very, very stupid to say. 

As often, Trump's lies don't show so much that he's bad or untruthful as that he's just really not an intelligent nor an educated person. At all. I find it hard to find any mental gymnastics to get out of that observation. Also, that's all there is to this story for me, it's more than enough. I wouldn't even compare it to FOX news rhetorical dodges that sure are bad or untruthful at times, but at least have some more thought as "ah I blab whatever comes to my genius mind" behind them.

There is more to Trump's lies.

As he's done his entire public life some of his lies are just a tic he has to defend himself.  Everything he does is "beautiful" "big" "best ever" "never seen before" "only he" can do them.  That's just hyperbole when you own a (failing) business.  As POTUS they are a little worse but not fatal.  He can claim he has "done more" for group X than "anyone ever" and it can be proven or disproven and the voters have a chance to decide.

He also likes to repeat things he heard (FOX & Friends) as his own ideas.  That is more irritating personally.  It's like someone putting a post here and finding it out they ripped the quote from somewhere else and didn't give a citation.  

You can't disagree with it unless you know it's "oranges".  Ninja

All seriousness aside DJT will spread misinformation quickly simply because he heard it on the telly and, since it agrees with his personal POV, it must be true.  Then his defenders/followers lap it up before anyone can say that his favorite morning news program was "just asking" or stating an OPINION no facts.

Then he has "many people say" and "everyone is telling me" which can mean one person or he said it and no one told him he was wrong.

That's more what he did here.  Passing some "idea" off as something that LOTS of people are talking about.  And we can see in this thread that his defenders will jump up and down and say he DIDN'T say a dumb/wrong thing he said OTHER people say it...even when Trump is passing it on without criticizing it.  And as I said I cannot find anyone who said that.  Not even the crazy conspiracy sites. It will NOT surprise me if he tweets within 24 hours that he "never said he believed that" when he said it, because now he is being made fun of for saying something dumb.

Trump is exactly who he was before he was elected.  Only now we have a great swath of voters defending him because they can't admit they got swindled by a conman so they have convinced themselves he's not as bad as the reality shows.

IMHO.   Smirk
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Trump: the noise from windmills causes cancer - GMDino - 04-04-2019, 09:12 AM

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