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Open the Books: U.S. Department of Education wastes billions each year
(04-10-2019, 03:09 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: This is a big thing I think. It isn't quite the same as the need to cut back excess/bloated government spending, but still an important topic regardless.

Not everyone SHOULD go to college. You have a lot of not particularly bright people going to college, getting degrees that they will never use, and just racking up debt... because they are told for the 7 years of middle-high school that you NEED to go to college or you won't ever succeed in life.

It has led to a ton of debt and a complete devaluation of a bachelor's degree in the job market.

We are also as a society running low on trained trade workers. Convincing people they need to go to college and get a degree in English or Psychology are is drawing people who would probably be more suited or making more money as a welder, electrician, plumber, etc.

I understand that you are supposed to tell a child they can succeed and do whatever they want in life, but college went from something intelligent (or rich) people went to, to something anyone can get a piece of paper from so long as they are willing to take on the debt. Maybe this is a part of W Bush's terrible "No Child Left Behind" policy, which failed to recognize that some people are smart, and some people aren't. That it is okay to plan accordingly, instead of the one-size-fits-all, everyone-to-college society now.

I doubt many people "suited" for life as welders are much drawn to English, where they have to read hard stuff and write lots of papers.

But I take your general point. There are lots of people who back into college degrees. They go to college to get a job, but aren't particularly interested in any field.  So they gravitate towards majors they think provide the most likelihood of getting hired (e.g., criminology, hotel management, business), or the easiest ones (not Chemistry or violin).  Very costly. 

That said, I think college should be for everybody--in the sense it should not just be for the rich or white people. Every U.S. citizen who can qualify should have the opportunity. It should not just be about getting a job--vocational training either.

And I agree the other alternatives should be emphasized too. My son was considering going to electrician school once. I wish he had. Our neighbor's  son got a degree in air conditioning and heating and is doing well.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Open the Books: U.S. Department of Education wastes billions each year - Dill - 04-10-2019, 05:56 PM

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