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CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi"
(04-18-2019, 12:26 PM)jj22 Wrote: I remember the good old days when punching a Nazi wasn't frowned upon by Americans. Welcome to 2019.

Thankfully our deceased and fallen WWII vets and Holocaust Jews who sacrificed their lives aren't around to witness this.

(04-18-2019, 01:48 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Since this was considered an attack on Nazi's why is the FoxNews crowd so upset?

Aren't they just admitting that they are Nazi sympathizers?

Is Rush Limbaugh calling for protection for the "feminazis" he is always talking about?

I can't say I'm surprised that by either of these responses.  I'll reiterate the point being made sine you both seem hung up on Nazi.  Physical violence in response to political speech of opinion, no matter how abhorrent, is unacceptable!  If you disagree then you don't agree with one of the founding principles of our nation.

It used to be, "I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the dat your right so say it", to "it's OK to punch someone who uses words or espouses ideas you find repulsive.

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RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-18-2019, 03:30 PM

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