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CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi"
Taxpaying adults shouldn't be punching anyone for any reason beyond self-defense. It's sort of a part of the social contract. We can all disagree, but when we go out in public, we need to behave like adults and avoid stupidity beyond the daily mundane variety.

I will say this, though. I think a lot of extremist types on the right were a bit emboldened, and falsely so by the election of the current president. I think that the Richard Spencers of the nation thought that maybe a shift to populism on the right favored their ideology having a chance to spread in a way that it hadn't in decades.

I also think that they found out pretty quick that they were dead wrong after the unite the right march. People were sent to jail, fired, and had their lives ruined when their identities were revealed to their employers and associates. Their faces were everywhere. They learned the lesson that life is a bit tougher for an open racist outside of internet chat rooms. I guess it was a pretty organic enforcement of social norms, really. Nobody needs to get curb-stomped or verbally berated. They just get to live with the stink of their ideology forever thanks to the internet.

Violence is not needed to humiliate and destroy these kinds of people. All you have to do is allow them to speak their minds and elaborate their views. They'll be unemployed or in hiding in short order.

Same goes for any violent group on the left. Nobody wants these people hanging around their necks. The mentality it must take and the life of rejection that leads to it must be a pretty sad road to go down.

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RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - samhain - 04-23-2019, 01:05 AM

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