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CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi"
(04-23-2019, 11:11 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I don't recall you making a thread to condemn a political candidate advocating violence against protesters at his rally and offering to pay his supporter's legal fees, but I freely admit I could have missed it.

Just seems like the pendulum has swung from Fair and Balanced to Opinion Done Right.

OIC, I should have started yet another thread about Trump so I could maintain the ability to start future threads about similar behavior in others.  This makes a lot of sense, if you didn't make your own, individual, thread about a topic you can henceforth never make a thread on a similar topic.  Which internet rule is that?  I know it's not one, two or thirty-four.

Quote:I agree it is a very bad sign.  Just imagine if a politician advocated violence against others for their political views.  I can't imagine how upset you would be if that happened.

Not that it makes it any better, but I rather think his statements were directed at people disrupting his rallies.  So, not based on their politics so much as their disrupting his event.  (yes I get that they were disrupting his rallies based on their politics, still not the same thing as attacking them directly for their politics (again not that this excuses the behavior)).  Again, not that it makes it acceptable.  I feel the need to constantly state the obvious now based on the myriad obtuse replies to this thread.

Quote:Maybe if I saw some consistency I couldn't be accused of whataboutism for sharing a cartoon.

No, you'd be, correctly, accused of it regardless as it's precisely what you are doing.  It's not that complicated, you can say CBS did an oopsie and not have this be tacit, or explicit, approval, or ignoring of, Trump's statements.  See, this thread is about CBS's unacceptable behavior.  If we want to discuss Trump's unacceptable, similar, behavior we can do that in one of the myriad threads about it.

Ironically you and the others with a similar opinion are doing exactly what you're accusing me of.  You're ignoring the extremely poor decision by CBS to focus on Trump just as you accuse me of ignoring Trump to focus on CBS.  Lot's of projection going on in this thread.

Messages In This Thread
RE: CBS says it's OK to "punch a Nazi" - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-23-2019, 11:45 AM

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