Poll: Is it okay for Christian conservatives to steal?
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Are Illegal TV Streams Compatible with Conservative/Christian Values?
(09-28-2015, 05:00 AM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: You mean like the kind of Christians who claim Christianity but then turn around and steal without repenting? (See: this thread)

If not, you're gonna need to explain what this "true Christian" test is so we can perform it on all the professed believers.

No, those would be hypocrites.
I'm talking about the millions like me. A CINO...Christian In Name Only. Unconcerned and non practicing, Christian only because I was raised Catholic.
And as law abiding, and virtuous as you claim atheists are....that said I will defend Christianity, especially against Islamic sympathizers like you.

As a nation with a Christian majority, your eye opening 63% of abortions are performed on Christians stat remains idiotic.
And 90% of all arrests in the NFL are of black players! Shocking!
You loathe Christianity for what reason? Because Christians believe marriage is between a man and abortion is murder?

You do realize that Muslims also believe that there lives a Wizard in the sky and with his magic wand created the universe, and inspired the writing of a book of fairy tales called the Koran?
Except unlike Christians, Muslims believe gays should be put to death, and that marrying under aged girls is proper and legit.

You are a Christiophobe. Instead of directing some of your energies against Islam you would rather cry "Islamophobe" defending this religion.
See the Irony there?

GodHatesBengals is a Christiophobe LOL.  You're worse than Gino and his beef against cops.

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RE: Are Illegal TV Streams Compatible with Conservative/Christian Values? - Blutarsky - 09-28-2015, 11:47 AM

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