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The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism"
I think both sides have people who believe they are ignored or disregarded. Just for different reasons. Leftist "extremists" feel like the government does not properly regulate industries that abuse their customers along with the rampant growth in cost of things that are becoming more and more required to make a living in today's world (like education) or to just live in general (health care and medical expenses like medicine) without wages increasing proportionately.

I was just talking to my dad this past weekend and he couldn't believe I was "just okay" with the fact that, now that my wife and I are trying to have children, that we're okay with the cost being about 8,000 dollars (due to a $3,000 dollar deductible and 20% copay afterward). When I asked him how much he paid to have me and my brother he said...0 dollars.

Medical costs in this country have gone out of control.

I'm not fond of Trump's obsession with immigration and nationalism, and that ideology's association with racism is definitely concerning. But he did not invent racism and I have my doubts that his ideology is creating racists out of people who aren't already racist. It's really painful that white supremacists are being given the platform that they have right now, but this has been creeping up ever since 9/11. And ISIS has only exacerbated it (with ISIS being created, in part, due to America's interference in the middle east). As far as the racism stuff goes, Trump was more the spark that ignited the oil spill rather than the thing that caused the oil spill in the first place. I truly believe that once the incendiary speeches and attention to White supremacy that Trump specifically provides, a lot of this will subside. At least back to where it resided before Trump.

I am more concerned with his obsession that using tax dollars to actually assist the country's citizens is "socialism." It's 1960s propaganda that is allowing big money corporations and industries to bend citizens over a barrel without any regulations to stop or hinder them. And that's the thing that I think will have a lasting impact from this presidency.

I may be being optimistic but I believe the nationalism and racism is the fringe of the Republican party. The fear mongering about "Socialism" is more of a universal belief among Republicans and that will be the longer lasting legacy of this presidency and I'm not sure we can fix it before we start to see the gap between the 1% and the 99% widen even further than it already is.

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RE: The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism" - CJD - 04-29-2019, 09:53 PM

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