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The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism"
(05-04-2019, 12:21 AM)hollodero Wrote: But one could have assumed the outcome pretty much. Already in the election cycle. Where he already was known as the prime birther. Who then claimed muslims were cheering 9/11 in New Jersey and asked a crowd to boo a judge based on his Mexican sounding name. He had called for beating up people multiple times, denied McCain was a hero, led a vile lock her up campaign full of spiteful lies. He sat at O'Reilly and diminished past Russian crimes. He already was a twitter idiot. And he already was an unconditional narcissist, an ignorant human being and a pathological liar. None of that came as surprise and the ingredients were all there.

I always found especially disturbing the way Trump trotted 4 Clinton accusers before the cameras for the 3rd presidential debate on foreign policy.

THAT ONE THING should be enough to signal the guy was unstable, had no judgment, no sense of what the goal of a foreign policy debate should be, no sense of dignity or decorum.  Not to mention his poor performance in the debate.  What should have been sober assessment of foreign policy expertise was suddenly endowed with the manufactured drama of a professional wrestling match.

One of the 4 was a woman who had been raped as a girl. Hillary had defended the rapist--as a COURT APPOINTED LAWYER.  So the woman gets to be an "accuser." That reminds me of demands that Hillary "apologize" to the families of those killed at Benghazi for which she was somehow responsible. While Trump's flaws were ignored, Hillary's were massively inflated or outright imagined.  That's how the difference between Hillary and Trump becomes a "wash."

The cheering Muslims incident, along with the 3-5 million illegal voters he claimed gave hillary the majority raised serious questions about his ability or willingness to distinguish between fact and conspiracy theories.  I cannot think of Hillary "lies" that have that quality.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism" - Dill - 05-04-2019, 01:17 AM

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