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The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism"
(05-07-2019, 08:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I think what frustrates me most about this is that the DNC fought for Hillary because she represented their positions. Then people were pissed upon realizing that. That shouldn't have been a surprise, the parties are going to protect their interests.

The RNC tried to protect their interests because Trump did not actually represent conservative or Republican values. So their actions during the primary were not as reprehensible as the DNC's. However, now, there has been an abandonment by the RNC of their principles as they have rushed to support Trump.

Meanwhile, the DNC is going all "oh, we're hip and progressive, look at all the women and people of color running!" Meanwhile, who leads in the polls for the primary? Two old white dudes.

I really am sick of all of this. Thankfully, I have a state election to focus on. Oh, wait, there is the Northam/Fairfax/Herring bullshit. Whatever

I will say I'm disheartened by the lack of accountability that the GOP has held Trump to, but they have a "job" to do. We can shake out fists at the bigger picture all day but we should realize that the big picture is made up of many little pictures. So good luck with your state elections. 

I do wish many of those wasting their time and energy slurring the current Admin would focus on what we can do to move forward. But everyone here and Nationally is too busy pointing a finger.  

Hell we've got a thread in this very forum about 2020 candidates and I'll give you one guess as to which candidate is mentioned the most
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism" - bfine32 - 05-07-2019, 11:51 PM

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