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The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism"
(05-07-2019, 08:31 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I think what frustrates me most about this is that the DNC fought for Hillary because she represented their positions. Then people were pissed upon realizing that. That shouldn't have been a surprise, the parties are going to protect their interests.

The RNC tried to protect their interests because Trump did not actually represent conservative or Republican values. So their actions during the primary were not as reprehensible as the DNC's. However, now, there has been an abandonment by the RNC of their principles as they have rushed to support Trump.

Meanwhile, the DNC is going all "oh, we're hip and progressive, look at all the women and people of color running!" Meanwhile, who leads in the polls for the primary? Two old white dudes.

I really am sick of all of this. Thankfully, I have a state election to focus on. Oh, wait, there is the Northam/Fairfax/Herring bullshit. Whatever

Yea, I really hope Biden's surge is mostly due to name recognition and then, once the primaries start, someone else really takes hold of the nomination.

Because a Biden nomination will not win 2020. He inspires no excitement from anyone. In the past, he has alienated black people, women, millennials, pro-marijuana people (which, to be fair, is very similar to alienating millennials) and will almost assuredly make his campaign all about Trump, which is the last thing the Democrats need. 

You don't inspire excitement (which is what is required to get Democrats to vote, let's be honest) by saying "Hey! He's better than the alternative!"

Which is true.

But is not how you should run a campaign. Forcing people into a shitty choice that's merely "better than garbage" is a very dangerous way to run. This is why preferential voting should have been instituted at least 50 years ago. When you can only choose between two set candidates, it makes it so the president doesn't actually represent the people who elected them.

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RE: The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism" - CJD - 05-08-2019, 08:05 AM

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