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The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism"
(05-08-2019, 12:40 PM)Dill Wrote: With you on the bolded, C-Dawg.

What bothers me about the Hillary "abhorrence," though, is that so much of it was manufactured. True, she broke the law when she used a private server. That action, more than anything else, hurt her election chances with independents. But then none of the charges levied against her, imagined or real, really mattered to the Trump inclined when Trump's scorecard was far worse.  Fox, Comey and Russia took her out of the election.

Trump voters remind me a lot of those African-Americans who, after the OJ Simpson trial, were glad that he got off even if guilty.  For them it was never about Simpson's guilt; it was about a history of the White man getting away with it.  For committed Trump voters, it was never about competence. It was a thumb in the eye to "the Left" and the "Hollywood elite." And to the undocumented immigrants and Muslim who were "getting away with it."  

Yea, I mean Russians assisted with the spread of misinformation about Hillary. We have concluded, via the Mueller Report, that, while Trump and his administration probably didn't explicitly work with the Russians (outside of a few people who have already been indicted), they definitely were aware of it and figured it was nice because it helped them win. Hopefully, that doesn't happen again in 2020. But, with Trump as president, I figure it'll have to be prevented by non-government organizations like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, as we've already concluded that Trump has no problem being the beneficiary of fake news, as long as he is not personally linked to its creation/distribution.

I will say one thing though. If the Democrats go through with the Biden nomination, they will be saying, loud and clear, "We don't think Hillary's policies were bad. She just happened to have a vagina, rather than a penis. Turns out you need a penis to be President."

And I agree that many Trump supporters don't actually care if Trump is a good President/Candidate or not. They just love seeing the PC obsessed, snowflake, lazy, obsessed-with-racism, expecting-handouts Lefties going nuts.

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RE: The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism" - CJD - 05-08-2019, 02:02 PM

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