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The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism"
(05-08-2019, 01:54 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Honestly, if someone came through a time machine and told me "I come from the year 2056. We have been through 10 elections since Trump was elected. 5 were won by Democrats and 5 were won by Republicans. But all 10 times, Democrats won the popular vote." I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest.

The electoral system just happens to put the country in this scenario. We have severe cases of liberal flight all over the country. Boston, New York and the big cities in California are so heavily blue that they turn their entire states blue. But winning 70% of a state and winning 51% of a state makes no difference to the electoral college. 

Democrats have the unenviable task each election year of overcoming the inherent bias the system has against them due to their voters' choices regarding where they live (If all my friends who moved to Chicago, LA and Boston stayed in Cincinnati, which they all left for a variety of reasons including politics, then maybe this problem wouldn't exist today).

I personally don't think the popular vote is even a thing worth talking about anymore, as it's become basically guaranteed to go the Democrats way (starting with the 1992 election, Republicans have won the popular vote exactly once). It's a meaningless statistic, unless the U.S. changes the way they elect presidents.

The truth is she was a really bad candidate. She may have been a good President. But people did not like her. If going up against Donald Trump wasn't enough reason for Michigan to vote for her, you really think her coming and being unrelatable and weird in front of them would have helped?

She was the second worse candidate behind only Trump. The main reason for that is the shit that came out of her mouth; like calling people deplorable instead of talking about how to get those people jobs or better pay, etc.

I wasn't crazy about her because-what was her vision or mission? Right now I can't recall. Combine that with the political damage by mostly BS like Benghazi and her emails (which were mostly manufactured scandals) made her unpopular. Best thing she had going for her was she wasn't Trump.

There is more to campaigning than just showing up and shaking hands. It's marketing a person and their message. She didn't have a message that resonated and she didn't market it effectively in the areas she needed to effectively influence the electoral college to her favor.

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RE: The big problem is not Trump. It is "Trumpism" - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 05-08-2019, 03:04 PM

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