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Christian Nutjob Ben Carson says Science is Satanic
(09-28-2015, 11:32 PM)Naranja Tigre Wrote: Why do atheists always seem so angry?

There's only so many times a human being can listen to the same silliness over and over before they start to get a little pissed every time somebody tries to use the same old tricks again.

Talking to a Christian usually boils down to either a. one of the popular (yet debunked) "logical" arguments for God's existence, b. the "I had an experience" fallacy, or, most popular on this board, c. a bombardment of inane, deliberately ambiguous questions about science with the hope of finally poking a hole and filling the gap with their god of choice.

It's a rare treat when the conversation goes above that level. Sadly, it almost never does. Thus the annoyance.

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RE: Christian Nutjob Ben Carson says Science is Satanic - GodHatesBengals - 09-28-2015, 11:46 PM

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