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Question for all you Pro Life people
(05-21-2019, 07:45 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: It was a set back, for sure. 

But my primary point was I have my doubts that the people drafting these bills actually have an understanding of the timeline for pregnancies. Saying you're 6 weeks pregnant does not mean the fetus has existed for 6 weeks. It's basically just a best guess because there's no way to pinpoint the date between the two period dates that the fertilization occurred.

Calling a 6 week pregnancy 6 weeks is merely a formality. My wife and I were tracking her ovulation cycle, so we have a pretty good idea (within a week) or when we believe fertilization occurred, but measured from that point she was probably only about 3 to 4 weeks pregnant when the miscarriage occurred. And we didn't even schedule a doctor's appointment until the 8th week mark because the doctor told us that they likely wouldn't even be able to find the heart beat until then.

So this whole 6 weeks = heart beat thing is not clear to me. Is that based on fetal age or gestational age? From my (brief) experience with it, it seems like the heart beat begins, at best, at 6 weeks fetal age. But the bill appears to be based on 6 weeks gestational age.

There are some Republicans who say that the 6 week time frame is more than enough time to get an abortion from the time the woman finds out to the 6 week mark. But even when we were trying, my wife and I only really found out around 5 weeks. If we weren't trying, my wife could have easily thought her period was just late that month, for whatever reason. 

For women not trying to get pregnant, 6 weeks seems like they have virtually no room for error. So the day after a missed period, they need to go get a pregnancy test and schedule that abortion, or else they're trapped for 40 weeks...

This just doesn't seem practical to me and it reeks of bad intentions. 

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the bill.

There is no "heartbeat" as there is no "heart" least not at 5 weeks.  Or 6.  Or (maybe) 19.

Quote:Human fetuses have a regular heartbeat beginning at about 22 days of pregnancy, which is one reason why the researchers were surprised to find that there is little organization of human heart cells until 20 weeks of pregnancy.

"For a heart to be beating effectively, we thought you needed a smoothly changing orientation of the muscle cells through the walls of the heart chambers. Such an organization is seen in the hearts of all healthy adult mammals," Dr. Eleftheria Pervolaraki, a visiting research fellow at the University of Leeds' School of Biomedical Sciences, said in a university news release.

"Fetal hearts in other mammals such as pigs, which we have been using as models, show such an organization even early in gestation, with a smooth change in cell orientation going through the heart wall. But what we actually found is that such organization was not detectable in the human fetus before 20 weeks," she explained.

Again, not a vote FOR abortions, but if we are going to discuss it at least we should be honest.

At 6 weeks there is no heart, no brain, no organs...there is the soup of cells that will become all that.  Hopefully.

And, again, I don't believe any of the people who write and vote for bills like the ones in question know or care.  They want votes and to please their sky daddy.  No matter what else they do in their private lives they have to pretend they are "good christians" in public.
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RE: Question for all you Pro Life people - GMDino - 05-21-2019, 09:02 AM

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