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Question for all you Pro Life people
I personally think Religion is a bad basis for modern laws, mainly because so much of society has changed in the last ~2000+ years and the way they treated people, especially women, back then shouldn't even be referenced in regards to today, let alone be used as a model.

But you can't really change the mind of a religious person by telling them that, so I try to find a common ground that both parties can relate to. It's hard though. Religion, by its very nature, is a character defining trait in any person who believes in it, so trying to explain to them why something that they base their lives off of may not be the best and most applicable thing to a situation that has real life day to day consequences on women in today's world almost invariably comes off as an attack on them as a person.

Makes for really difficult debate. You can't really prove or disprove religious beliefs, after all. They are based on faith, not logic or reason.

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RE: Question for all you Pro Life people - CJD - 05-21-2019, 04:03 PM

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