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Question for all you Pro Life people
(05-22-2019, 11:22 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: I hope that cooler heads prevail with the scotus. I think Trump's election had a LOT to do with the scotus specifically because of R v W. I've heard people say they voted for Trump because they didn't want the Democrats replacing Scalia and Kennedy with liberal judges, making it a 6 to 3 majority, which would kill the ability to overturn R v W for another 30 years at least. The fact that two of the 4 liberal judges are in their 80s right now is already terrifying enough haha.

Ideally, the Democrats take the 2020 election as seriously as the Republicans took the 2016 election (re: scotus nominations), because I don't know if Ginsburg and potentially Breyer can hold out for 6 more years. And with every conservative judge added to that court, the chances of R v W being overturned increases exponentially (because, maybe Gorsuch and Kavanaugh don't choose to vote against it, but the next batch of judges may).[url=][/url]

I agree. And, unfortunately, I think Democrats are going to respond in kind. Republicans rallied support off of "think about the babies!" I'm afraid Democrats are going to present the opposite option, saying "think about individual rights!"

And that's where they're going to screw up. 

Instead of saying "look at the corruption and cronyism" or "look at the ballooning deficit as we borrow money from China to pay American companies/farmers to not produce things" or "look at their proposals to cut things you've already paid for" Democrats are going to draw the line at individual rights... which isn't really going to spark a lot of interest in voters. A few select donors, sure, but not the average voter. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Question for all you Pro Life people - Benton - 05-23-2019, 05:10 PM

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