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When is it ok to wall in your citizens?
(06-04-2019, 05:52 AM)hollodero Wrote: I'm certainly not a fan of any border wall, but this is comparing apples to origins. The German wall wasn't used to keep Eastern Germans out, but to keep Eastern Germans in. It was built by the East, not by the West. (if it were built by the West to keep Eastern Germans out, or if it were bulilt by the East to keep Western Germans out, then that would be valid equivalents to Trump's wall; but nope.)

Aye, but the difference is not really so different. In fact, no difference at all. What happened to West Germany when the wall came down? An invasion of rapists and drug dealers, of course. But Americans weren't shedding tears for Deutchland West. We were cheering Freedom and bad ass Saint Ronbo. I guess we could cheer Freedom around the world but say it stops at our "door," and there is a sign on the wall without a door that says, "**** you freedom seeker, look elsewhere." America is the world wide leader in hypocrisy in addition to infant mortality in that scenario.

A wall doesn't only keep in or out, it does both. And DT has insisted from day one Mexico pay for the wall. That equates to building it, except it has the advantage of foreign money enriching DT and his cronies (leaving domestic coffers to be pillaged for other self enrichment schemes). Now since the wall is not being built the tariff card intends to force Mexico to build  a virtual wall - ie stop folks leaving by whatever other means. 

You can't endorse a policy that stops people leaving Mexico if you opposed a policy that stopped people leaving East Germany because people are either free to be self determining or not. In the Germany case, it really didn't matter which side built the wall, what mattered was it oppressed East Germans. Same with US Mexico wall or other policy restrictions on Central Americans. You either support oppression and suffering and denying freedom or you don't. 

Of course, in a perfect world every policy that suppresses freedom and encourages war would enrich an American corporation. And I get it. After being greeted as liberators in Iraq and building freedom there, the Haliburtons of the world need fresh contracts. So let's build a Mexican wall, a Canadian wall, and a Pacific Ocean wall just the other side of Hawaii, and an East Coast wall as well. And let's conveniently forget that Reagan said, "tear down that wall" and pretend that when WWII ended the Marshall Plan was to build world wide walls. Of course that liberal clap trap failed but now America is finally put first. Wall us in! Wall us in!
JOHN ROBERTS: From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly so that you will come to know the value of justice... I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either.

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RE: When is it ok to wall in your citizens? - xxlt - 06-04-2019, 07:48 AM

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