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The Deep State appears to be for real!
(06-04-2019, 06:34 AM)BakertheBeast Wrote: I don't see this topic discussed much here for some reason but it is a real concern. Over on the Browns political board they discuss it in depth. Their is a member there named JAFBF that seems to have a "in" with someone with inside info. He might even be friends with the famous "Q". He talks about the biased media and their role in the coverup. Trump is getting all this corruption exposed.

Don't pay attention to all these Bengal skeptics.  Trump has duped the entire deep state.

Any day now all those 1800 indictments will be opened and the truth will out.

And then it will be too late--you're fired! Lock them up!  Hillary and Obama finally behind bars. Trump has played them all for suckers.

All that chaos in the White House, the high turnover and leakage, appointing his unqualified kids to high political positions, constantly contradicting his own policy pronouncements, publicly affirming Putin over his own intel services, insulting our allies, letting Kim out of his box--all to put the deep state and Dems off guard. From hindsight people will see all that misogynistic tweetery as part of the plan.  

None of this will shock fans of The Apprentice.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: The Deep State appears to be for real! - Dill - 06-04-2019, 06:29 PM

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