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Trump on Vietnam and his (lack of) Military Service
(06-07-2019, 12:18 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I really don't know what a 19 year old me would have done, but I based on the way I think now I would not have gone to Vitnam if I could have avoided it.  I don't see anything "brave" about blind allegiance to authority 

But I am a "tough-minded" liberal instead of a meek conservative who does whatever he is told.  It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in.

I'm of the same mindset, but then again I've dealt with a lot of people who aren't in the military who are also very certain they are better than trained soldiers and are tougher than them, etc.  It's all ego-driven nonsense.  My ol' man was drafted and I recall when I Was 18 and registering for the selective service thing he said "The draft probably won't come back, but if it does don't get on the bus like I did."

I'm of the mindset that combat isn't for me and I would likely suck at it and get killed and have no impact on the safety/freedom of this country.  I suppose that is a lot more respectful than people who take no part in combat but are supremely sure that they would win the war and kick so much ass while doing it.  Oy, after 9/11 every man and half the women in any bar in rural PA were talking about how much towelhead ass he would kick if he were "over there" and I've had baffling conversations with multiple people who are sure that Pennsylvania hunters could take out the US Army if/when it comes down to it.

Anyways, sign me up as a draft-dodging coward who would only go to war if he were more afraid of what the amazingly heroic american populace would do to him for not going.  With that being said, I do work 50 hours a week for a defense contractor and I haven't taken a sick day in the 3 years since I've started AND I don't get paid very much.  So I can help in my own chicken-shit sort of way, right?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Trump on Vietnam and his (lack of) Military Service - Nately120 - 06-07-2019, 12:29 PM

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