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More tariffs paid by US consumers
(06-11-2019, 11:57 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Pointing to our unemployment rate shows you're pretty much grasping at straws at this point. Why the request to follow the thread? Our economy is better than Germany's. Is someone earlier in the thread going to dispute fact with ideology such as you are now doing? I get the spoiled American taking their situation for granted, but let's not make up "we should look at.....economy" and then start talking about their society. 

I get you ideology favors the more Socialistic approach of societies such as Germany's; hell, you're probably in the majority around here. But none of that makes Germany's economy better than ours or why we should look to them for tips.  

No one requested that you follow the thread. 

You asked "What economic problems are they managing that we cannot?"

You got a very direct answer--balance of trade, unemployment, ability to retain manufacturing and manufacturing jobs (already discussed on the thread).

Your response was not to demonstrate that the US manages its balance of trade better, or that US unemployment was lower, or that the US had better retained manufacturing and manufacturing jobs.

Rather you merely  ASSERTED the US economy is "better" without a shred of counter evidence or clearly stated metric--unless you are assuming your "scope" and "growth" metrics from your previous post. Even Trump wouldn't agree those alone make the US economy better.  (Nevermind that even if the US economy were "better," that wouldn't mean Americans couldn't learn something from Germans.) 

Further, you call reference to measurable economic factors "ideology," which in turn "favors the more Socialistic approach," which implies your mere, unsupported assertion is somehow not ideology--just plain truth.  One has to wonder how you are deploying the term "ideology" here, or if you understand the term at all, in any of its usual senses. Does this come from reading authors who take their own views as "plain truths" in no need of demonstration while calling others' views "ideology," especially when those others build arguments around economic data? 

This from the poster whose signature move is to claim others dodge his questions?
You also haven't explained why the above-mentioned metrics for quality of life, including those added by Benton, are merely subjective.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: More tariffs paid by US consumers - Dill - 06-12-2019, 09:05 AM

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