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What Will The Democrats' Platform Be In 2020?
Here is Elizabeth Warren's issues page:|pcrid|344788400874|pkw|elizabeth%20warren|pmt|p|pdv|c|slid||product||pgrid|67845584859|ptaid|kwd-171777258|&pgrid=67845584859&ptaid=kwd-171777258&source=WFP2019-LB-GS-OH&subsource=GS-67845584859-elizabeth%20warren-p-344788400874&utm_source=GS&utm_campaign=WFP2019-LB-GS-OH&utm_term=Elizabeth%20warren-344788400874&gclid=Cj0KCQjwi43oBRDBARIsAExSRQEufmrpMILMFnD2I0BNUmkHk46FCb5F-7xRgrF4weuGH-E95gBiHZgaAoedEALw_wcB&refcode=WFP2019-LB-GS-OH&refcode2=GS-67845584859-elizabeth%20warren-p-344788400874

The subheaders are:
End Washington Corruption - Basically, putting a stop to things like ignoring checks and balances, firing people investigating you, attempting to fire people investigating you, lying to the people on a daily basis etc.

Rebuild the Middle Class - Basically, almost half of the wealth in America is in the top 1% and the bottom 80% own less than 10% of the wealth. The gap between the rich and the middle class and the gap between the middle class and the poorest class is downright staggering. Tax reform and social programs designed to lift the lower classes up are the general policies here. School debt is also a big one here.

Strengthen our Democracy - End Gerrymandering, end election voter suppression tactics, prevent future election fraud and prevent foreign governments from influencing our elections. Decreasing the power of lobbyists.

Equal Justice under the Law - End the practice of jailing certain people for things and not others. End the practice of lenient sentences for people with wealth or power. Hold Corporations accountable when they commit crimes or federal violations, rather than just generically fining them (which has essentially become the "cost of business" in a lot of industries).

A Foreign Policy for All - Make our allies respect us again, stop sucking the dicks of dictators, create fair trade deals and don't overuse tariffs just to appear tough (tariffs are not inherently bad, but misusing them hurts your citizens).

Other topics not explicitly mentioned on her issues page (though a few show up in the "latest announcements" subheader)
Combat climate change.
Lower the deficit.
Healthcare reform.
Protecting the freedoms of women, minorities, LGBTQ etc.

I think there's plenty of things to run on.

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RE: What Will The Democrats' Platform Be In 2020? - CJD - 06-14-2019, 10:52 AM

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