Poll: What is your level of concern over the POTUS's mental state?
Not concerned at all. He's sharp as a tack!
Not too concerned. We all have bad days, right?
A little concerned. Still in "Wait-and-See" mode.
Highly concerned. Really worried about what reality he is in.
Good Lord, man! And this dude has the nuclear "football"?!?!?!
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Concern over the Mental State of the POTUS
Used to be that if DJT could just read a script and not go off on a tangent he was considered "presidential".

In just two short years he can't even read anymore.  And what he does read is wrong.  Not spun, mistaken...but wrong.

He's losing it.

But his supporters will not care.  Probably because they don't understand when he's wrong anymore than they understand when he lies and then lies about his lies.

Trump hyped this speech for weeks (years?) and still wasn't prepared enough to READ IT FROM A TELEPROMPTER.

Now he's spent the morning retweeting praise of himself.

He's a sad little "man".
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Concern over the Mental State of the POTUS - GMDino - 07-05-2019, 10:24 AM

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