Poll: What is your level of concern over the POTUS's mental state?
Not concerned at all. He's sharp as a tack!
Not too concerned. We all have bad days, right?
A little concerned. Still in "Wait-and-See" mode.
Highly concerned. Really worried about what reality he is in.
Good Lord, man! And this dude has the nuclear "football"?!?!?!
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Concern over the Mental State of the POTUS
(07-05-2019, 12:59 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: So he's not allowed to make any mistakes in his speech?
This is exactly what i'm talking about.
Let's ask Obama how many states in the US?

You can't make that comparison in good faith. Obama misspoke, as does everyone at times, forgivable as it would be for Trump if he occasionally slipped a bit. Trump, however, repeatedly has whole passages of speech that are illogical, incoherent, wrong and/or often make no sense at all. There are statements, speeches or interview passages out there that are truely unbelievable and mind-boggingly moronic, and it's not just him "misspeaking". Never ever could there exist similar things from Obama.

I'd be happy to find such passages if you contradict me on that one :)
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Concern over the Mental State of the POTUS - hollodero - 07-05-2019, 01:34 PM

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