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Rift in the Democratic Party
(07-09-2019, 12:05 PM)Aquapod770 Wrote: Pelosi is 100% right here.

The bill may not be an immediate fix, but it was a compromise that should help the situation (even if just a little bit). Voting against it just proves AOC and her friends only care about pretending to care about the border.

Well, to be fair, they only voted against it because they knew it was going to pass and they wanted their objection to it to be noted in the official record. This is a common practice, especially in the House where 1 vote often does not decide all that much.

I think their biggest issue with Pelosi is the House offered a bill to the Senate. They struck it down in its entirety, and then sent back a new bill that they knew the Democrats wouldn't like (due to the appropriation of the money not being focused on the immigrants as much as it should be) and Pelosi accepted it with no changes.

This was an abuse by Mitch because he knew that the Democrats cared more about getting something - anything - to be passed before the Holiday break, so he knew he could throw their offer away entirely and send back what he wanted and they'd have to either accept it as is (Which they did) or refuse it and appear (at least, superficially) to not care about the people they claim they care about (the children).

AOC and the others were upset that Pelosi obviously recognized what Mitch did and just went along with it.

I don't see it as a schism in the party as much as I see it just as a difference in opinion in how you handle a person who is abusing your pragmatism (something Mitch did to Obama again and again and again).

AOC would have liked the Democrats to alter the proposal, pass it and send it to the Senate, which would put the pressure on Mitch to decline it and, as a result, not have anything passed before the 'deadline' imposed by the holiday (AOC even said she'd be more than willing to stay at work over the holiday to make sure a good deal got done) which would look bad for him.

Whereas Nancy prioritized getting the money to the border, even if it wasn't the money that the Democrats wanted it to be. She wasn't willing to risk sending a revised proposal to Mitch and him just outright saying "screw the kids, they get nothing, I'm going on vacation."

They both fell onto the same conclusion of "Mitch screwed us (and by extension, the children)," they just wanted to handle his f!@#ery differently.

Messages In This Thread
Rift in the Democratic Party - bfine32 - 07-08-2019, 02:16 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - Yojimbo - 07-08-2019, 03:01 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - CJD - 07-08-2019, 04:05 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - Yojimbo - 07-08-2019, 07:15 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - CJD - 07-09-2019, 08:13 AM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - Dill - 07-09-2019, 05:54 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - GMDino - 07-09-2019, 08:56 AM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - treee - 07-09-2019, 06:45 AM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - Dill - 07-09-2019, 04:56 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - bfine32 - 07-09-2019, 10:59 AM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - CJD - 07-09-2019, 11:50 AM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - CJD - 07-09-2019, 12:01 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - GMDino - 07-09-2019, 12:20 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - GMDino - 07-09-2019, 01:20 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - CJD - 07-09-2019, 01:27 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - CJD - 07-09-2019, 04:11 PM
RE: Rift in the Democratic Party - CJD - 07-09-2019, 12:13 PM

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