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Tucker Carlson: Omar 'living proof' US immigration laws are 'dangerous'
(07-11-2019, 05:01 PM)bfine32 Wrote: That's what I'm reading in this thread.

My inference is Carlson is disappointed with Immigrants cursing the very freedoms the country provides and his example cited happens to be of color.

It seems others are inferring that because the person is black Carlson's thoughts on assimilation are racist.

Perhaps I am misreading other's do you care to share yours?

I disagree with Carlson's assertion that immigrants "must" assimilate. They simply must follow our laws and in some cases traditions. What traditions is where the rub comes and that's something that time could be much better used discussing than simply crying RACIST!!

There's a movie out Call "Best of Enemies" some of you should give it a look-see.

The problem is immigrants aren't the only ones who feel the way Omar feels. There are US Born citizens who feel the same way. But he is singling her out because she's an immigrant. This is not a case of "we're letting in immigrants that hate us." It's a case of "There are millions of people in this country that are unhappy with the way things are going in America, both immigrant and US born citizen."

So, in the best case scenario, Tucker is calling her out for having an opinion he doesn't like (having differing opinions is completely legal, for the record) and deriving that it's because she's an immigrant and that this is proof that there's "a problem," of which he does not specify, but simple context clues indicate it's a problem with who is allowed into the country via immigration.

And the person who he's using as a model for what's wrong with immigration just happens to be a black woman from an African country who is Muslim. 

Again, following the best case scenario, he is accidentally implying that black and/or Muslim immigrants hold beliefs that are "antithetical to ours" and, presumably, should not be allowed in for those reasons (although he does not explicitly say this, which gives him that plausible deniability we've been talking about.)

We already know that there is a significant anti-Muslim sentiment among some people who vote Republican. We also already know that there is a significant anti-black sentiment among some people who vote Republican.

So, in this theoretical best case scenario, Tucker is sounding off horns in those particular people's heads completely by accident.

In total, we have intentional anti-immigrant sentiments and "accidental" anti-Muslim and anti-black sentiments in this quote. He's accidentally calling out to racists and islamaphobes and he is intentionally calling out to anti-immigration people (although being against immigration is not inherently bad, the subtext/nationalism is often troubling). On a national news network.

That's damaging to our society. 

And you are giving him the full benefit of the doubt that this is accidental despite the fact that he does things similar to this on a somewhat regular basis. Despite people consistently pointing out these things to him, he has not altered his means of delivering these sentiments.

So at what point does accidental racism combined with explanations about why what he's doing is racist and his subsequent refusal to reform or learn from his mistakes equal intentional racism in your mind?

Best of Enemies sounds like an interesting story. I'll keep my eye on it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Tucker Carlson: Omar 'living proof' US immigration laws are 'dangerous' - CJD - 07-11-2019, 07:38 PM

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